Collective Trauma Integration Process – Colorado

Honoring Grief, Increasing Awareness, and Exploring Opportunities for Renewal – Colorado’s Collective Trauma

Over the last 20 years, Colorado has been disproportionately impacted by violence, leading the state to rank fourth in the U.S. in the number of mass shootings. In addition, Black and Latino communities in Denver have experienced dramatic increases in violent crime in recent years. As a result, there is a shared legacy of collective trauma in Colorado, which reduces the capacity to see and heal psychological wounds. This trauma diminishes well-being, elevates fear, and perpetuates violence in individuals and communities. Thus, healing collective trauma is critical to the prevention of violence and to creating a society that supports human flourishing. Together with CU Boulder Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence & Naropa University, the Pocket Project organized this  workshop, in hwich Thomas Hübl introduced the concepts of individual, ancestral and collective trauma and resilience. by understanding the nature and effects of trauma, we can more effectively work together to prevent the atrocities and systemic disruptions that lead to this phenomenon in the first place.