SAND Science and Non-Duality Conference, California Oct. 2018

Thomas Hübl spoke on The Mystery of Being Human at the Science and Non-Duality conference in California in late October. He offered a key-note presentation followed by a breakout session. With a focus on collective trauma, he helped the audience to understand the impact of unprocessed trauma and the need to integrate and heal this, so we might all take responsibility for our lives and communities.

SAND Science and Non-Duality Conference 2018 - Break out session
Deepening the understanding for restoring a fragmented world through our unique contribution during the break out session

He showed how we are used to live in a fragmented world and how our unprocessed experience is like carry on luggage that we carry to the next moment. It is the conscious past that creates possibilities. Thomas presented the Pocket Project as a response with the mission to restore a fragmented world.

SAND Science and Non-Duality Conference 2018 - Panel 2
Trauma as sand in the engine of humanities development – Thomas Hübl and Peter Levine in dialogue

The final presentation of the day was a dialogue between Thomas and Peter Levine (founder of the Somatic Experiencing Method). We are happy that The Pocket Project was received with a lot of curiosity and interest amongst the other speakers as well as the audience.

Restoring the Global Immune System
Thomas Hübl offering an introduction on collective trauma dynamics and the work of the Pocket Project

In October, the Pocket Project collaborated with the Inner Arts Institute to design a very unique workshop – “Restoring the Global Immune System”. Thomas Hübl and the constellation team of the Pocket Project facilitated a weekend that introduced  the core work of the Pocket Project and applied this understanding in collective constellation work. This new format will be developed for future offerings.

After working in our Constellation Competency Center for the Pocket Project for over a year, we decided to go for it and step out into the world and experiment with combining what we have learned from Thomas with the kinesthetic intelligence of the constellation approach.
We are a group of constellation facilitators who met in the Pocket Project and have exchanged ideas and practices, have learned from each other and enjoyed each other’s experience and presence.

Samvedam Randles, Director of the Inner Arts Institute welcoming the workshop participants

This event was anchored by the Inner Arts Institute in the Boston area. Samvedam Randles is the director there and she and her staff pulled this event together. 12 people from the PP came to be part of this experiment and support its emergence. We enjoyed this little reunion around our day with Thomas as well as afterwards.

That Thomas was able to start off our week end with a day of teaching on collective trauma gave us a fabulous boost and also set the foundation knowledge about the role of collective trauma in our culture. In his presentation he gave a profound introduction into trauma and explained how trauma disturbs the healthy development of the individuation loop. From that understanding, Thomas introduced a new understanding of time and explained why he thinks the Pocket Project is a comprehensive response to the current challenges that we face in the world. A group of teachers from Harvard also attended, both the workshop and a lunch to discuss collective trauma work and open the conversation to people from various fields.
Paul Zonneveld, Juliana Barros and Samvedam Randles stepped out to facilitate the collective constellation day and held the field in a beautiful way!

The workshop participants getting engaged in triads – exploring collective trauma work

We opened with an attunement and meditation that brought some cohesion into the field and allowed us to attune to one another. Paul offered a poem from New Zealand that also helped to open the space and was mirrored at the end of the day with its counter part, the poem that closes the field. Having worked with collective constellations before, we were quite aware that we needed to pay close attention to the collective field in order to not loose participants to disassociation or overwhelm.
So we began in the personal, wove out into the collective and re-grounded in the personal again.

The constellation served as a primer for each individual experience of our theme, which was immigration and migration, and it revealed …as constellations do…the deeper layers of the unspoken undercurrents of this theme. From the first nation to the colonizers, the homeland and those who were left behind, the children and those who see beyond the patterns, we learned about the dynamics that sit within our culture. Then we listened to each other and worked with our own share of these themes in our lives. A truly rich experience!

Thank you to all who came and explored with us!