COP 26 • Full Program

Program Overview Past Days:

Mon, Nov 1

Daily Attunement to COP26 with Jens Riese

Meaningful Conversation with Pat McCabe

Relating Through Silence - Meditation with Eva Giedt

Tue, Nov 2

Daily Attunement to COP26 with Robin Alfred

Daily Updates from COP26 with Paul Dickinson

Relating Through Silence - Meditation with Louise Marra

Meaningful Conversation with Jojo Mehta

Wed, Nov 3

Daily Attunement to COP26 with Hilorie Baer

Daily Update from COP26 with Federico Bellone

The Anatomy of Inaction - Climate Change & Collective Trauma with Thomas Hübl

Relating Through Silence - Meditation with Eva Giedt

Thu, Nov 4

Daily Attunement to COP26

Daily Update from COP26 with Sarah Queblatin

Global Social Witnessing

Meaningful Conversation with Charles Eisenstein

Relating Through Silence - Meditation with Eva Giedt

fri, Nov 5

Daily Attunement to COP26 with Laura Calderón de la Barca

Daily Update from COP26 with Sandrine Dixson

Global Social Witnessing

Meaningful Conversation with Nora Bateson

Relating Through Silence - Meditation with Eva Giedt

sat, Nov 6

Meaningful Conversation with Sabine Lichtenfels

Relating Through Silence - Meditation with Louise Marra

sun, Nov 7

Daily Attunement to COP26 with Thomas Hübl

Getting to Yes for One Sun One World One Grid with William Ury

Relating Through Silence - Meditation with Eva Giedt

mon, Nov 8

Daily Attunement to COP26 with Robin Alfred

Daily Updates from COP26 with Brother Spirit & Brother Embrace (Plum Village)

Global Social Witnessing - The Anatomy of Inaction - Climate Change & Collective Trauma with Thomas Hübl

'How Collective Trauma relates to Money, and Money relates to the Climate Crisis' with Patricia Farrar-Rivas & Dana Lanza

Relating Through Silence - Meditation with Louise Marra

tue, Nov 9

Daily Attunement to COP26 with Jens Riese

Daily Updates from COP26 with May East

'Communities on the Frontline of Climate Change' Global Social Witnessing with Kosha Joubert

'Racial Injustice and Climate Change' with Ruby Mendenhall

Relating Through Silence - Meditation with Louise Marra

wed, Nov 10

Daily Attunement to COP26 with Hilorie Baer

Daily Update from COP26 with Chad Frischman (Project Drawdown)

'Presence and Absence at COP26' - Global Social Witnessing with Kosha Joubert

'Presence and Absence at COP26' - Global Social Witnessing with Kosha Joubert

Relating Through Silence - Meditation with Eva Giedt

thu, Nov 11

Daily Attunement to COP26 with Laura Calderón de la Barca

Daily Update from COP26 with Sonita Mbah

Meaningful Conversation with John D. Liu

Relating Through Silence - Meditation with Eva Giedt

fri, Nov 12

Daily Attunement to COP26 with Markus Hirzig

Daily Update from COP26 with Mumta Ito

'Quantum Social Change for a Thriving World' with Karen O'Brien

Gratitude and Celebration - You are all invited!!


Thomas Huebl (2) 2

Thomas Hübl

Pat_McCabe_(Woman_Stands_Shining)_(40963758435) 2

Pat McCabe
or Woman Stands Shining

Copyright Ruth Davey Look Again Photography Jojo Mehta Stop Ecocode -1348 (1) 2

Jojo Mehta

Charles Eisenstein Small 02 (2)

Charles Eisenstein

is an essayist and the author of several books, including The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know is Possible.


Nora Bateson

Sabine Lichtenfels (1)

Sabine Lichtenfels

William Ury

William Ury


Patricia Farrar-Rivas

DANA .jpg-9

Dana Lanza

Ruby Mendenhall - professor of African-American Studies

Ruby Mendenhall


John D. Liu

premios bbva Karen oBrien_BUBU

Karen O'Brien

Daily Updates

Sandrine Dixson-Declève

Sandrine Dixson-Declѐve

paul dickinson 2

Paul Dickinson

Federico Bellone

Federico Bellone

Sarah Queblatin

Sarah Queblatin

Brother Embrace

Brother Phap Dung (pronounced “Yung”)

Brother Spirit

Brother Spirit

MayEast_Closeup (1)

May East

Chad-Frischmann7 2

Chad Frischmann


Sonita Mbah

Patrycja Slawuta 3

Patrycja Slawuta


Kosha Joubert (3) 2

Kosha Anja Joubert - Host

Jens Riese (1)

Jens Riese

robin (1)

Robin Alfred

Laura (1)

Laura Calderón De La Barca


Eva Giedt

Louise Marra (1)

Louise Marra

Karen Gold Sherman

Karen Gold Sherman


Markus Hirzig

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