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Co-Regulation in the Lab Journey

February 1 @ 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Heidi Wohlhüter
Jürgen Wölfl
February 1
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm (Berlin)

Collective wounds need a collective body to heal. In this call, we deepen our capacity to “feel you feeling me”. We gain a felt sense of what it means to allow our nervous systems to resonate with each other and to melt into inter-being and intra-being. As we prepare to embark on a journey of collective trauma exploration and integration in the International Labs (starting Jan 2024), we clean and fine-tune our tools.

En esta llamada profundizamos nuestra capacidad de “sentir que me sientes”. Obtenemos una sensación sentida de lo que significa permitir que nuestros sistemas nerviosos resuenen entre sí y se fundan en el inter-ser y el intra-ser. A medida que nos embarcamos en un viaje de exploración del trauma colectivo, limpiamos y afinamos nuestras herramientas.

In diesem Gespräch vertiefen wir unsere Fähigkeit, “zu fühlen, wie du mich fühlst”. Wir bekommen ein Gefühl dafür, was es bedeutet, wenn unsere Nervensysteme miteinander in Resonanz gehen und wir den Raum zwischen uns mehr wahr zu nehmen. Während wir uns auf eine Reise der kollektiven Trauma-Erforschung begeben, verfeinern wir unsere Werkzeuge.


Heidi Wohlhüter is a certified psychotherapist (behavioral therapist) (DGVT) and supervisor (DGVT), as well as a licensed child and youth psychotherapist. For 20 years, she has been working in a psychiatric day clinic. For the past 10 years, she has also offered psychotherapeutic group and individual sessions in private practice. Heidi is a supervisor for therapists, psychologists and treatment teams and trains psychotherapists in self-awareness. Heidi’s mission is to create spaces for healing. Heidi has been a student of Thomas Hübl for over ten years and is a member of his Inner Science Training Group. She is an assistant in the Timeless Wisdom Training and part of the research group ‘Mysticism and Healing’.

Jürgen Wölfl is a Psychologist and trained psychodrama therapist. Jürgen works in his own private practice as a psychotherapist, trainer and supervisor for single persons, couples, groups and teams. His particular interest is the combination of mysticism, spiritual practice and psychotherapy/psychology. Since 2008 he has been in Thomas Hübl’s Assistants Group and accompanied the Timeless Wisdom Training 3. He is mentor in Thomas’s online courses and has accompanied the Pocket Training for Trauma Integration. Jürgen lives in Berlin, Germany.

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