What will we be exploring in this Lab?
In this lab we explore together how collective trauma affects the way we raise our children, at home and in school systems. In the first layer we become aware of trauma from our own experience as well as cultural and collective aspects in the past throughout education that are still alive in us. In the second layer we will tune into the current sources of traumatisation in actual school and family environments, including actual reports of child diseases and dangers through social media. We invite other relevant topics coming from group interest.
Who is invited to participate?
People interested in trauma-sensitive learning environments and in deeper understanding of their own scars from school time. We welcome teachers, educators and parents, but also other professionals such as therapists, social workers and trainers. For the process of the lab, we invite participants to commit to taking part in every session.
More about the journey of the Lab
We start to build a container of trust in getting to know each other better. We give an overview about trauma in education and the layers we want to look at. To dive into the topic we start with our own education biography and how this influence our current life. We explore the sources of typical education structures in different countries (given different nationalities) in the past und current sources of trauma in the present days. We include social witnessing practice and time for integration.
When will we be meeting?
To get to know each other, we start with two extended Sessions of 3 hours. The following 8 sessions are for 2 hours, additional integration time for 30 min co-regulation at the end, if needed. We will not share recordings to keep the space private and safe. Dates for meetings (all times CET): January: Sunday, 14.01., 14-17h; February: Tuesday 13.02., 17-20h; March: Tuesday, 05.03., 18-20; April: Tuesday, 09.04., 18-20h; May: Tuesday, 07.05., 18-20h, June: Tuesday, 11.06., 18-20h; July and August pause; September: Tuesday, 10.09., 17-20h, October: Tuesday, 8.10., 18-20h; November: Tuesday, 12.11., 18-20h; December: Sunday, 08.12., 14-16/17h, Closing.