Unlearning Patriarchy to Embrace Fluid Leadership

Exploring the Patriarchal Impact on our Leadership Experience

Online | English

What will we be exploring in this Lab?

The lab highlights patriarchy’s essence as a power-over dominance for nearly 20,000 years, shaping leadership styles and posing challenges in the modern landscape. The past century’s rapid changes demand heightened response-ability in leadership, creating tension between current needs and historical imprints. The lab serves as a space to digest and integrate this inner tension, offering participants insight into the profound impact of patriarchy on organizational leadership dynamics and our relationship to leading and following. It facilitates understanding and adaptation to the evolving demands of leadership and therefore of our inner structures in the face of environmental shifts.

Who is invited to participate?

Leadership is an inherent facet of life, experienced explicitly or subtly by everyone. This lab caters to those in explicit leadership roles (managers, self-organized team members, project managers), individuals curious about their relationship to leadership, and anyone eager to explore leadership in a patriarchal world. Welcoming those with the intention to dissolve inner structures and foster the emergence of fluid leadership styles, the lab serves as a transformative space. Recognizing that everyone steps into leadership at some point, it encourages participants to delve deeper into their unique connections with leadership, promoting adaptability and understanding in a dynamic, ever-evolving world.

More about the journey of the Lab

As trauma-informed organizational development consultants, we have witnessed remarkable progress in nurturing more fluid leadership styles. However, we have also observed a recurrent pattern when only focusing on building new competencies, as most programs do. When participants embark on the journey to adopt these new leadership approaches, they encounter challenges rooted in their inner imprints that hinder them. The hinderings – not the building of new competencies – will be our focus for this lab. We will begin with historical context and leadership models, delve into personal imprints in a patriarchal world hindering fluid leadership, and conclude with collective sense-making.

When will we be meeting?

Once a month on Wednesdays 19.30-21.20 CET (except August)16.01 13.02 12.03 16.04 14.05 11.06 09.07 03.09 08.10 05.11 03.12