„152 people from 39 countries gathered with Thomas Hübl in Israel June 18th-22nd for the beginning of the year-long Pocket Project training! A truly exceptional group, and many people new to this field.


Two years in the preparation, the week unfolded with perhaps even more depth and intensity than we could have imagined. Blazingly clear Teaching from Thomas each day, exploration of the basics of transparent communication and personal trauma in the first two days as the vessel of the group formed, and then the beginning of intergenerational and collective work.

On the last day many flip charts were filled with different intentions for projects, and we will now continue with online classes with Thomas, mentoring groups, triads, research projects and more till we meet for a final week together next May. We can feel how this work calls us to ever deeper levels of multi-level practice, commitment, and service – we have begun!“

By Nicholas Janni


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