Developmental trauma shapes the lens through which we perceive the world and influences what we feel most strongly identified with. It infuses our motivation for and ability to change, which can ultimately get in the way of our wholehearted impact in the world. In order to become a “transformative agent” in times of crisis, we need to become intimate with ourselves and the places which dictate or influence our choices, depending on our state of awareness. In befriending our wounds, we can find our true voice and authentic expression.
Tobias Konermann is a Clinical Psychologist and licensed Psychotherapist practicing in Berlin, Germany. He teaches at several institutes for psychotherapy (DGVT, HAP, IMU) and is specialized in working with developmental trauma. Tobias has developed maps for principles of process-oriented change and offers advanced training for psychotherapists and coaches. He has worked with Thomas Hübl for over 10 years and leads the Inner Science Training Group in the Academy of Inner Science. He is also part of the faculty for NARM training in Europe as a teaching therapist and supervisor.
Kosha Joubert serves as CEO of the Pocket Project. She holds an MSc in Organisational Development, is an international facilitator, author, coach and consultant, and has worked extensively in the fields of sustainable development, curriculum development and intercultural collaboration. Kosha grew up in South Africa under Apartheid and has been dedicated to the healing of divides and collective trauma ever since. Kosha has received the Dadi Janki Award for engaging spirituality in life and work and the One World Award for her work with the Global Ecovillage Network. She serves as host and mentor on Thomas’ online courses, co-moderated two Celebrate Life Festivals and was a co-host of the 2019 and 2020 Online Summit on Collective Trauma.
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