Kamran Ghaderi spent 7.5 years in captivity in the notorious Evin prison in Tehran, after a completely unexpected arrest by the Iranian Intelligence Service while on a business trip. He was freed in a prisoner exchange in June 2023. How did he survive 80 days in isolation and 89 months in prison while innocent, and not being able to see his wife or watch his 2.5 year old son grow up? During this time, he discovered his love of languages and writing, as well as his calling as a human rights activist who advocates for others. Join us to meet Kamran and hear about this experience which changed his life
Kamran Ghaderi was born in a small village in the North-West of Iran, in the Kurdish region on the border with Iraq. He grew up in the city of Tehran. As a teenager, he experienced the Islamic revolution first hand. In 1983, his destiny led him to Austria, where he found a new home. Kamran studied electrical engineering and completed his doctorate at the Vienna University of Technology. Together with some friends, Kamran founded an Iranian Library and “Persepolis”, a cultural association for Iranian migrants in Vienna. Under the motto “Think of others”, he works intensively for the realisation of human rights in Austria and Iran.
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