Finding our Way Home

Cultivating our Capacity to Sense a Place

Online | English

What will we be exploring in this Lab?

Our lab will investigate the intersection between our body-mind-system and the land we are born in, live in or are drawn to. How does being in a heartfelt resonance with the land inform us? When listening to the land, what do we learn about our individual, ancestral and collective history? Can we feel the interconnectedness of all beings and our interwovenness in the fabric of a place?

Who is invited to participate?

We are looking for 21 curious people who are dedicated to deepening their experience of a specific place.

More about the journey of the Lab

We will explore our inner and outer landscape with exercises, meditation, and creative expression. We will hold space to witness inner sensations and movements as we journey together into our understanding of home.

When will we be meeting?

We will meet 12 times on the 3rd Thursday of the month, for 90 minutes at 7:30PM CET, 1:30PM ET and 10:30AM PT on the following dates: January 18th, February 15th, March 21st, April 18th, May 16th, June 20th, July 18 th , August 15 th , September 19th, October 17th, November 21th, December 19th.