International Labs Application

Welcome: Thank you for being part of the CTFT Mentoring & Practice Phase. We are excited about this shared journey.For questions please contact
Describing area of collective trauma to be explored, combined with ‘Lab’ - geographic reach, e.g. The ‘Climate Crisis’ Lab - Global (Max 50 characters)
e.g. Coming home to our bodies, each other and the earth
Max. file size: 1 MB.
Landmark, landscape and/or symbol for the Practice Group. Please make sure the photo is licenced to be used online.

Geograpic Reach(Required)

Lab Team 1
Lab Team 2
Max. file size: 1 MB.
Max. file size: 1 MB.
Lab Team 3
Lab Team 4
Max. file size: 1 MB.
Max. file size: 1 MB.
Admin or main email for your Lab - not for publication - all application forms of participants who would like to participate your group will be forwarded to this email

Доєднаєтеся до нас

Підпишіться на наші інформаційні листи. Допоможіть нам зцілювати колективну травму та зменшувати негативні ефекти для нашої глобальної культури.

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Sign up for the newsletter. Help us to heal collective trauma and reduce its disruptive effects on our global culture.