Dr. med. Clara Perinchery is a Mother, Physician, Psychotherapist and Scientist, working in the University Hospital of Freiburg (Germany) and in her own Practice. She has been studying with Thomas Hübl since 2008 and deepened her practice as part of his assistant team. Growing up in a spiritual community she had early access to meditation as a tool and continues to practice spiritual alignment as a natural part of her daily life. She is the co-founder of the art project “The Citizen is Present”, founder of the “Heart Kids Education Center” in India, and a member of Health for Future and Parents for Future in Freiburg.
Sonita Mbah is the Communications Coordinator at The Pocket Project. She is a permaculture designer, facilitator, and advocate for regenerative communities, and holds a Master’s in World Heritage Studies. She has led community-based sustainability initiatives in Africa and is dedicated to healing colonial trauma through collective trauma work.
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Crisis Trauma Relief
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