Resource Library

What is the Resource Library for?

Explore a wide array of valuable resources focused on trauma healing, restoration, and resilience.

Our curated library includes articles, videos, and academic research across various fields such as collective trauma, indigenous healing, and social trauma.

Whether you’re looking for practical tools or in-depth studies, this collection offers insights from global experts to support both individual and community healing processes.

Browse by category, sub-category, or media type, or use the search function to find what resonates with your needs.
Note: Sub-categories are available only after selecting a category.

Adam B. Lerner: From the Ashes of History – Collective Trauma and the Making of International Politics

Adrian Wagner et al.: Co-creating Resonant Societies in Times of Crises – Trauma, Polarization and Democracy

Adrian Wagner et al.: Collective Trauma & Democracy – Overcoming Polarization in Times of Crisis

Almeida et al.: Somatic intervention treatments in PTSD

Andreas Maercker: How Collective and Historical Trauma Psychologically Reverberates in Eastern Europe

Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq: Shaman and Traditional Healer from Greenland

Angel Acosta with Thomas Hübl: Collective Trauma and Healing in a Fractured World

Annie Mehl: Marshall Fire – CU Boulder, Naropa host second healing collective trauma workshop

Anthony Collins: Culture, Narrative and Collective Trauma

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