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Coming Home to Being Jewish

April 15 @ 5:00 pm - 6:45 pm

Robin Alfred
Teddy Frank
April 15
5:00 pm - 6:45 pm (Europe/Berlin)

Creating a warm and safe space for the presencing and integration of the individual, ancestral and collective trauma and resilience of being Jewish.

We will meet monthly, from 1600-1745 UK time, with people who identify as having Jewish ancestry, to explore aspects of our Jewish experience including: the presencing of our individual, ancestral and collective trauma; the challenges of the current situation in the Middle East; aspects of both Jewish persecution and perpetration; internalised anti-semitism and whatever themes and experiences group participants bring to the call.

Our intention is to create a warm, welcoming and safe space in which such topics and experiences can be felt, held within a field of group coherence and resonance, and in this way to support our individual and collective capacity to reflect, digest and integrate what arises.


Robin Alfred is an organizational consultant, facilitator, trainer, and executive coach, serving as a Senior Programme Director for Olivier Mythodrama. After working in criminal justice in London, he moved to the Findhorn ecovillage in Scotland in 1995 and founded Open Circle Consultancy. With extensive experience across corporate, public, and third sectors, his facilitation work fosters self-organization and transformational fields. A registered facilitator for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, Robin has studied with Thomas Hübl for 12 years, serving as a mentor, host, and co-moderator for various online courses, Celebrate Life Festivals, and the Collective Trauma Summit.

Teddy Frank is a trauma-informed creative arts and Bioenergetic psychotherapist, leadership coach, and transformational group facilitator. She is an executive coach for Mobius Executive Leadership and Co-Founder of Humanenergetics, Inc., dedicated to restoring healthy relationships with self, others, and the world. Formerly the Global Head of Cultural Transformation at Royal Philips, she guided top leadership teams and shaped culture strategy. Passionate about social justice and cross-cultural wisdom, Teddy is a facilitator and researcher for the Pocket Project and has studied with Thomas Hübl since 2017.

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