Healing German & Jewish Wounds – Global
Emotional Exploration of Personal, Ancestral & Collective Wounding
Online | English
What will we be exploring in this Lab?
We are coming together today in solidarity to hold healing space for one another. This is not an intellectual exploration, because this is an experiential process. We strongly recommend that people who are interested in this lab have a commitment to some kind of daily embodiment practice. And that they are familiar with expressing their emotions in a non-violent way towards others.
Who is invited to participate?
Approximately eight Jews and eight Germans.
More about the journey of the Lab
We are looking to build a safe container where we gradually sink below the cognitive polarization into a level of depth where we can feel intimate together and process feelings that want to release. In doing so, we will ground the energy of our personal, ancestral and collective past through our bodies. We will explore it in groups of two and three, in group processes and meditations.
When will we be meeting?
Once a month first Friday of each month at 6pm til 8 pm CET (Berlin), 12pm til 2pm EDT (North Carolina). Except February and May, both starting at the second Friday: 9th and May 10th.
February 9th.
March 1st
April 5th
May 10th
June 7th
July 5th
August 2nd
September 6th
October 4th
November 1st
December 6th