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Celebrating & Giving Thanks – Pocket Project End of Year Celebration

December 17, 2024 @ 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Kosha Joubert
Maria Leister
December 17, 2024
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm (Berlin)

As we gather to celebrate this year’s journey, we hold our vision close: to transform our presence on this planet from one that unknowingly perpetuates trauma into one that embodies deep wisdom and compassion. We recognize that each step toward healing—whether individual, ancestral, or collective—helps us cultivate a trauma-informed world where care and resilience define our interactions and uplift our shared humanity.

Together, we’ve seen how the work of the Pocket Project resonates worldwide. Through trauma-relief projects, education, and consultancy, we reach out to crisis areas, supporting those affected with relief, knowledge, and care. Our mission this year has been profoundly impactful as we’ve nurtured a global healing movement, sharing approaches to trauma-informed care that honor each individual’s journey and our collective experience.

Thank you for joining us in this purpose-driven year. Each of you—our partners, friends, and supporters—has been integral to creating pathways of transformation and connection. Here’s to building on this foundation in the coming year, fostering more healing, resilience, and wisdom in our world.

Kosha Anja Joubert serves as CEO of the Pocket Project, dedicated to growing a culture of trauma-informed care. Kosha has worked extensively in the fields of systems regeneration, intercultural collaboration, and trauma-informed leadership. She grew up in South Africa under Apartheid and has been dedicated to transformational edgework ever since. She has authored several books and received the Dadi Janki Award (2017) for engaging spirituality in life and work and the One World Award (2020) for building the Global Ecovillage Network to a worldwide movement reaching out to over 6000 communities on all continents.

Maria Leister is a dynamic leader deeply committed to social justice and trauma-informed care. As the COO of the Pocket Project, she oversees operations with precision and compassion. Maria also serves as the Director of Community Development of Displaced Populations at the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma, where her expertise in working with marginalized communities shines. With a background in law, including directing Harvard Law School’s Harvard Defenders program, Maria has tirelessly advocated for those facing legal challenges. Her experience in US immigration law and direct legal advocacy underscores her dedication to serving the most vulnerable. Maria is driven by a belief in ethically creating impact that preserves and restores human dignity.

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