

Bonus masterclass

Befriending Our Nervous System:
Creating Spaces of Safety Within & Without

Discover how to integrate trauma-informed practices into your daily life and leadership with our three-module regenerative masterclass. Learn from Deb Dana as she introduces Polyvagal Theory, equipping you with practical tools to create safe and connected environments for yourself and your teams. Transform your understanding of the nervous system and foster a culture of healing and resilience.

The state of our nervous system is central to incorporating a trauma-informed approach into our daily lives. Understanding when we are within our ‘Window of Tolerance’ is key to recognizing our impact on our environments. This three-module regenerative masterclass provides practical tools and processes to help us create experiences of safety for ourselves and others, enhancing our capacity for connection.

Deb Dana introduces Polyvagal Theory and its organizing principles: hierarchy, neuroception, and co-regulation. This introduction helps us appreciate how experiences shape the nervous system and the pathways to healing. With this updated map of the autonomic circuits of connection, mobilization, and collapse, we can recognize protection patterns in ourselves and others, and develop strategies to create learning and healing spaces where hypo- and hyperarousal states are consciously managed.

Overview of Regenerative Masterclass

This training series empowers Trauma-Informed leaders to understand their nervous systems and apply these insights to communicate effectively with their teams and create safe spaces within organizations. Participants will learn the language of the nervous system, map their unique autonomic pathways, and become regulated and regulating resources for their teams, communities, and organizations.

The 3 modules combine learning, sharing, creative practice, and field-building.

Register & Tickets


Receive a special discount on the lowest price when you sign up for all three Masterclasses together.




If you wish to not only cover the real cost of this class, but also allow us to continue to offer scholarships to others…



If you wish to cover the real cost of this Regenerative Masterclass and support our work…





If you are finding it hard to make ends meet financially, but wish to learn and support global healing…




If you are from Ukraine, Palestine, a Person of Colour from the ‘Global South’ or an Indigenous leader….



Learning outcomes
We can no longer think of therapeutic practice as bringing clients back to baseline “normal”when our normal is profoundly unwell. Instead, we need to evolve therapy.
Climate, Psychology, and Change makes the case for a regenerative disturbance to the familiar thinking of what it means to be human and addresses how our perceptions may need to be widened in order to be able to hold the texture of our complex, paradoxical and interconnected lives in our hearts and minds. Everything is in conversation and relationship.

By the conclusion of this masterclass, participants will have the skills to navigate their autonomic states, foster safety in their environments, and lead their teams with a trauma-informed perspective.

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