Practice Groups

Local Groups for Relatedness & Collective Learning

In our Practice Groups, we grow through meditation, self- and co-regulation, a deeper expression of our authenticity and intimacy of our connection to the divine. Practice Groups are not therapy groups or trauma healing groups. The basic skills for relating and Transparent Communication that Practice Groups focus on are foundational for work on trauma integration, which is done in the International Labs and in Collective Trauma Integration Processes. Groups also consider current topics, share life issues and potential solutions, have inspirational dialogues, and explore Thomas Huebl’s teachings. The field of supported practice in a community allows for collective learning to arise.

Practice groups can serve as guideposts on our journey of inner and outer growth. In order to address personal, ancestral and collective trauma, we need to grow our vessel first. Practicing basic skills with like-minded individuals in a caring and nurturing environment continually reconnects us to the depth of what we are learning in this field and provides a pillar of support.

Practice Groups come together regularly for precise skill development and embodiment of the foundations of trauma-informed living, with a focus on the key skills of presence, relating, witnessing and Transparent Communication. We learn to apply these key skills in our everyday lives, and to process the challenges that arise naturally as we do that.

Our Current Practice Groups

Know the name of the facilitator? Type their name in the search field to find the group quickly.
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Practice Group Leader Trainings

Leaders of practice groups have completed a special Practice Group Leader Training, the Timeless Wisdom Training or are part of the Core Group, and remain current by attending regular annual workshops to deepen their skills. As our group leaders enrich their own personal practice and share their expertise, the local community benefits. 

US & Global

The U.S. Practice Group Leader Training is taught online by Thomas Hübl’s authorized instructors, Eva Giedt and Rae Riedel. It is conducted in English.


This Practice Group Leader Training will be taught in person and online by Silke Weiss & Hendryk Obenaus. It's conducted in German.

Practice Groups Coordination Team

Eva Giedt and Rae Riedel coordinate and cultivate the Practice Group field. They lead the Practice Group Leader trainings (US). And they organize refresher meetings and trainings for Practice Group Leaders.

Eva Giedt

Eva Giedt

PGL-Training US/Global

Eva is a psychotherapist and mental health nurse practitioner with over 30 years of experience, offering online sessions that integrate mystical principles. Passionate about embodied living and conscious relationships, she also facilitates groups, teaches meditation and qi gong, and has worked closely with Thomas Hübl since 2011.


Rae Riedel

PGL-Training US/Global

Rae has thirty years of experience in natural medicine, she is a Doctor of Chiropractic, Functional Medicine Practitioner, and holds a Master’s in Spiritual Psychology. Combining her expertise in various healing modalities, including Shamanic traditions and Hakomi, she offers a holistic body-mind-heart-spirit approach to guide deep transformation.

Silke Weiss

Silke Weiss

PGL-Training EU/Germany

Silke is a trainer, coach, and organizational developer focused on creating a new, relational learning culture. Inspired by Thomas Hübl, she founded the LernKulturZeit academy and the Pioneers of Education Network to support transformational processes in education, aiming to heal the fabric of life for future generations.

Hendryk Obenaus

Hendryk Obenaus

PGL-Training EU/Germany

Hendryk is an executive coach and organizational developer, and is also trained in trauma therapy. His aim is to help organizations achieve a more collectively intelligent “we” culture.

Practice Groups Coordination Team

Are you interested in creating a new practice group in your area? Become a Practice Group Leader by first completing Thomas Hübl’s Timeless Wisdom Training course, being a member of the EU or US Core Groups and/or completing the Practice Group Leader Training US or Practice Group Leader Training EU.

If you already have an approved practice group that you want to register here, fill out this form.

The Practice Group World Map

On this world map you can see fully approved Practice Groups within the Pocket Project field. There are online groups, face-to-face groups, closed groups, drop-in groups, groups with a specific focus, groups only for experienced students, etc., but they generally follow a similar format. There are also Pilot Practice Groups and unofficial Groups that do not appear here. 

If you would like to participate in a Practice Group, you can find the subpage of the Practice Group of your choice, either via the map, or via the gallery below. You will find an application form button on the subpage of each Practice Group.

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